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Game Name : Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell : Pandora Tomorrow
System : Game Cube
Date Added : 2008-03-19 16:09:45
Views : 23606

Easier aiming with SC-20K:
Click the C-stick to zoom in the sniper scope, then press L to hold your breath. You should be able to get a good shot while Sam remains still.

Knocking out guards:
To knock out a guard without using a Sticky Shocker or a Air Foil, shoot a Sticky Cam at their head. Note: It must hit him directly in the head for the guard to get knocked out.

Kundang: Avoid mines:
When you encounter the mine field you can jump over the wires. This is not easy and will take almost flawless timing.

LAX: Extra supplies:
When you have reached the airport car park in the back of the truck, kill the two guards and the dog. Then, face the truck again and turn left. On the left hand wall should be a door. Open it, and inside are some Sticky Shockers, Ring Airofoils, Sticky Cameras and a Med Kit.

Shoot without fear:
When you are at a point that you can only use non-lethal attacks, make sure that you have the SC-20K and at least one Sticky Cam. Instead of waiting to sneak up on a person, shoot them in the head with the Sticky-Cam. This knocks them out without using "lethal methods". Aiming high is the key to knocking the person out because the Sticky Cams have a short range. After the attack you can pick your cam up and use it again.

Various references:
On the first half of the Jerusalem level, there is a book store directly behind an alley with a swinging lamp. Next to it is another smaller alley with a swinging lamp. If you look inside the large window you can see many different picture references to The Punisher, Ubi Soft's XIII, an anime, and a picture of the infamous "Sniper Kitty" among many other things. Use the binoculars to get a much better look.

Television Free: Drowning your victims:
In Television Free (mission 8), you will have a chance to go down into the sewer. When you knock out a guard, drag their unconscious body into the water then click into thermal view. You can watch the life slowly slip out of their bodies.

Find mines easily:
In order to find mines in the camp mission, turn on the thermal vision.

Ring Airfoil knock out:
When using a Ring Airfoil, if you shoot someone in the head it will knock them out. Make sure you hide the body well. If a guard finds it, they will wake them up.

To move quieter, crouch down and walk slower. This will make your steps softer, and keep you undetected to a limit.

Level select
When you complete the game under the normal or hard difficulty setting, when you go back into the game make sure you go over towards the level select instead of checkpoints. You could lose your data and have to do it over again if the wrong choice is made.

Programmer credits
In the Jerusalem mission, get to the part where you are following Dahlia Tal and can go up onto the roof and through an apartment to avoid being seen in the open area while she continues on. When you go through the apartment, you must sneak past two Israeli men watching television. If you zoom in on the television, you can see that it continuously scrolls a message in French from the development team thanking two people for their help with the game.

Escaping elevator shaft
In LAX, there is a part where the elevator stops. Blow out the top and jump to climb out. Then, climb on a pole that gets you to the catwalks. Jump until you reach a landing and use the "Climb Out" interaction. Climb up and over, then jump down to another pipe that leads to an opening and a checkpoint. Then with a running start, do a split jump over the two pipes and drop. Jump up on the ledge and pull yourself up. Shoot the vent and jump across. Go through it and come out the other side, then jump down and cling to the pole. Move over and climb up the ladders. You will reach a place where there are three poles to rappel from. Choose the middle one and crawl through the opening. This will take you to a save point and to Soth.

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